Special pain therapy and infusion therapy
Preventing pain from becoming chronic requires quick and effective treatment of the acute pain. If the pain has already reached the chronic stage an intensive course of treatment has to be initialised to break the vicious circle of pain. Special treatments are adapted, implemented and combined for each patient individually. The methods are:
These methods of treatment are employed in cases of existing chronic pain, such as chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, slipped disc, tinnitus therapy, migraine and dizziness as well as a great many others. |
Infusion therapyWith infusion therapy, a number of special medicines, important vitamins (especially Vit. B complex), painkillers, muscle relaxants and others can be administered directly to the body. The infusion lasts about 20 minutes. Chronic fatigue syndromes such as burnout syndrome can be improved with special infusion therapy. This also applies to regeneration treatments following serious illnesses, but also to sportspersons who have played a lot of matches within a short space of time. |