Orthopädische Privat-Praxis Frohnau - Dr. Surminski

Privat Orthopedics Clinic Berlin

Dr. med. Oleg Surminski - Orthopedics Berlin Frohnau

Specialist for Orthopedics, Emergency Surgery & Sports Medicine

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Autogenic training

Autogenes Training

In the process, self-knowledge and conscious thought are trained and expanded.

Trained practitioners can apply AT at will.

During the introduction phase it is advisable to train at regular intervals. Body and soul adapt to a rhythm. At a later stage it becomes possible to glide into the relaxed state within a few minutes. It can be employed at any time and in any place.

AT can be used to treat numberous ailments and illnesses or just for relaxation.

It can help with:

  • stress
  • muscle tension
  • heart and circulatory disorders
  • hypertension
  • stomach disorders
  • insomnia
  • hyperactivity
  • anxiety
  • chronic and acute pain
  • migraine
  • asthma

Counter- indication:

AT is counter indicated for serious anxiety disorders and depression and for patients who suffer from illusions. In these cases concentrating on inner images exacerbates the condition.

Please contact the team if you would like to make an appointment or have any questions 

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